30 Apr 2009

Today's Flowers No 38 - Some new ones

This Sunday meme is hosted by Luis Santilli Jr, Denise Gullickson, Laerte Pupo, Denise B. Castro
To participate and/or view wonderful blooms click on the above icon.

I find wild growing mosses and other things in the forest as beautiful as those glorious products of man's creativity. The Heather in fact is carrying last year's flowers as they do flower in the autumn with pink flowers but still, the dead ones are pretty too.

I just love to follow the developments on those spring trees and shrubs this time of year even if everything in this collage is not just flowers.

These are all new arrivals for the week in nature except for the woodeanenemies. I had to incorporate them as I've seldom seen ones that pure blue and that thickly growing.

The gardener's joys. New ones are the Daffodil buds (I saw some that were partly open but liked this picture more), the Striped Squill (also called Puschkinia) and the Hyacinth

I shall not be home until Tuesday but will try to respond to you then at the latest. In the meanwhile thankyou for your interest.

If you are interested in what Helsinki is like then you are welcome to view my new blog Helsinki Daily


Mary Elizabeth said...

Tarolino you've got a wonderful collage of beautiful flowers.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Ebie said...

I am speechless. Words are not enough to say......

Inkivääri said...

Upeita kuvia, huokaillen täällä ihastelen:)


What a great job you have done with these collages! Hehe ....nå skriver jeg engelsk på ren automatikk her!

Formidabel jobb! Huff, har ikke tålmodighet til collager jeg. Skulle kanskje forsøke, for det ser jo artig ut! Og så mye du har satt sammen av vårens utvikling! Stilige!