That time again. The above is my own SWF batch, which I thought I would use. It works the same way. Click on it and you'll find the SWF website, where you can fly around the skies of the world.
This weeks entry is a few sunsets over a week or so. Hence the shades of yellow.
Hei igjen min venn! Så nydelige solnedganger du har fått til her! Fra den dype roen og en lengsel - til dramatikken!
Og så scrollet jeg litt nedover, og fant så mye fint! Duverden - en oter! Det har jeg faktisk aldri sett!
Og nydelige fuglebilder - men den fasanen var utrolig flott! Der kan man telle fjærene! De er ikke så vanlige lenger her til lands - så dem oftere i barneårene.....hvor har de tatt veien når alle husene forskjøv den fra sine naturlige plasser?? Til Finland? :)
Et lite tillegg; Datorn har det bra nå - den trengte bare litt opprydding! Den var blitt så treg at jeg nesten ikke fikk gjort noe på den! Sønnen til kjæresten er dyktig på den slags, så nå er alt som ikke skal være der slettet, ingen virus funnet - og alt fungerer i skjønneste orden! :)
Ensiksikin - kiitos vierailustasi sivullani ja kommentoinnistasi siellä! Olen oikeastaan vanha uusi hyvin vanha bloggailija, joka "vahingossa" innostui erään englannin kielisen tuttavuuden kautta, ja englannilla olen jatkanut, vaikka en kieltä osaakaan! Jotenkin vain ajattelin aluksi, ettei postejani muut vilkaisekaan kuin tämä kyseinen henkilö ja yllätys oli melkoinen, kun alkoi tulla kohteliaan ymmärtäväisiä kommentteja myös muilta. Pyytelen aika ajoin anteeksi huonoa englantiani ja jatkan aina vain, lapsenlapsetkin jo huomaavat virheitäni, mikä taas ilostuttaa minua suuresti:) Nuorin heistä asuukin Espoossa, jossa muutaman viikon välein käväisen häntä ihastelemassa. Ja sitten noista sinun kuvistasi! Ovat kauniita ja laadukkaita, monipuolisia ja biologina ymmärrän luontofriikkiytesi hyvin! Tämän päivän postin kuvat ripustaisin seinälle kaikki, kiitos vain! Tällä hetkellä istun erän kansanopiston opiskelijahuoneessa odottelemassa eämäni ensimmäisen valokuvauskurssin alkamista, voi olla, että kurssin aikana huomaan itsekritiikkini kasvavan niin, etten julkaise enää mitään, kuten kävi eräälle tuttavalleni, saapas nähdä! Keväistä päivää sinne, täällä pyryttää kunnolla ja tuulee melkoisesti!
Hard to choose, but I would say my favourite is the first one, with the trail of pink reflected on the snow. Not to say that the sun outlining the clouds are not stunning as well!!
The blog concentrates mainly on the natural world through my eyes
The blog owner herself
Lucia, Ljuba and Rufino
Triple Trouble
map of Finland
Espoo - my home town
Statistics about Finland
Total length is 1157 km at the longest point
Total width is 542 km at the widest point
Total width is 200 km at the narrowest point
Total area is 338 145 square km
Coastal border line is 1100 km
Gulf of Bothnia to the west and Gulf of Finland to the south
Archipelago includes abt. 81 000 islands (not counting the smallest rocks)
Largest island is the Åland main island (a swedish spoken area enjoying sovereignity and outside of the EU)
Most northern point is Nuorgam 2200 km from the North Pole
Most southern point is Bogskär (island) 6600 km from the South Pole
Total border line length is 3600 km
Borders Sweden to the west, Norway to the north, Russia to the east and Estonia to the south
Nearly a quarter of the land area is above the arctic circle (Lapland)
Finland is the fifth largest country in Europe by total area
Total amount of inland water areas is 33 522 square km
Percent of forestation is abt. 70 %
Total amount of lakes is abt. 80 000 (not counting the smallest ponds)
Biggest lake is Saimaa
Amount of rivers is 647 of which main rivers 90
Biggest river by water area is Kemijoki and the longest is Tornionjoki (both in northern Finland)
The highest point is mount Halti in Lapland 1328 m above sealevel
The lowest part is the province Ostrobothnia largely under 100 m above sealevel
The biggest cave is Torhola chalkstone cave, 31 m long (situated in southern Finland near the small town of Lohja)
Total population is abt. 5.7 million
Domestic languages are finnish, swedish and saami (in Lapland)
Finland is devided into 12 provinces
Total number of towns is 102
Largest towns are Helsinki (capital), Espoo, Tampere and Turku (Åbo in swedish)
Finland has been independent since 1917 and the independence day is 6th December.
Finland is a constitutional democracy and has a president (Mrs. Tarja Halonen), a ministery and a parliament
The climate is typically northern with four distinct seasons.
Winter spans often into April. April and May are the real springtime. Summertime is from June to August and the autumn often spans into December in large parts. Lapland has a different climate but still four seasons.
Photo equipment
Canon EOS D1000 camera
EF-S 18-55 IS lens
EFS55-250 mm f/4-5.6 IS lens
EFS 60 mm f/2.8 Macro USM lens
W360 aluminium tripod
Nikon Coolpix S9 6.1 megapixels digital camera occaisionally
Valkyrien of Norway made me a hot blogger by this award
Thankyou dear friend. I must take care not to burn my fingers while writing :)
Oh please do not think I gave myself an award, even if I did start this one. There is a limit to my vanity. No, it was dear Pacey from Today's Blah that wanted to give this same award back to me as what I gave to her. So I made it as well as received it.
At leats that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I got this nostalgic award from Zilga
Thank you dear blog friend
I got this lovely award from Valkyrien and Ebie Thank you so much my dear friends
All are brilliant shots, the first one is my favourite.
Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures
Just perfect sun, and sunset, really lovely colours :-)
Hugs from Anne in Norway
Sunrise and sunset are magical mysterious moments.
Such overwhelmingly beautiful shots! Thank you!
What would I expect, nothing but beautiful sky shots! Happy swf!
Exquisite images! :-)
Great photos and I love the first one also. The sun against the snow is so lovely to see.
Siis aivan ihania kuvia taas - jos kuvat osaisivat sanoa, nämä olisivat runoja:) Huikeat värit ja valo!
You've been lucky with sunsets recently! Wonderful variety.
The skies are such lovely shades of yellow! But I see you still have snow.
It seemed that you're nearer to the sun than I am here, have the perfect sun there. :) Happy Skywatching!
Toka ylh on suosikkini. Ei pahoja muutkaan, jumalaisia taivaita olet onnistunut vangitsemaan.
Beautiful photos of a lovely area. So pretty to see the sky colors through the trees.
Few things can match a sunset for awe-inspiring beauty. These are marvelous. Pick a favorite? I'd go with the second one, but its a close call.
... and salmon, orange and pink... wow! Great collection of shots. Hard to see such a brilliant sun with such a COLD looking ground!!!
Hei igjen min venn! Så nydelige solnedganger du har fått til her! Fra den dype roen og en lengsel - til dramatikken!
Og så scrollet jeg litt nedover, og fant så mye fint! Duverden - en oter! Det har jeg faktisk aldri sett!
Og nydelige fuglebilder - men den fasanen var utrolig flott! Der kan man telle fjærene! De er ikke så vanlige lenger her til lands - så dem oftere i barneårene.....hvor har de tatt veien når alle husene forskjøv den fra sine naturlige plasser?? Til Finland? :)
Et lite tillegg;
Datorn har det bra nå - den trengte bare litt opprydding! Den var blitt så treg at jeg nesten ikke fikk gjort noe på den! Sønnen til kjæresten er dyktig på den slags, så nå er alt som ikke skal være der slettet, ingen virus funnet - og alt fungerer i skjønneste orden! :)
THese are wonderful! I love the yellows, and the misty quality of a lot of them. I think the first is my favorite, but they are all terrific!
wow! different kind of yellow but all are amazing!!!!
The sky is so big and dripping with so many colours.
That post gets a great big wow from me. What extraordinary sky views.
Vau, upeita auringonlaskuja. Ykkonen voisi olla suosikkini. (Jos pitaa valita.)
The first photo is great. I always admire landscapes where You are taking photos.
Ensiksikin - kiitos vierailustasi sivullani ja kommentoinnistasi siellä!
Olen oikeastaan vanha uusi hyvin vanha bloggailija, joka "vahingossa" innostui erään englannin kielisen tuttavuuden kautta, ja englannilla olen jatkanut, vaikka en kieltä osaakaan! Jotenkin vain ajattelin aluksi, ettei postejani muut vilkaisekaan kuin tämä kyseinen henkilö ja yllätys oli melkoinen, kun alkoi tulla kohteliaan ymmärtäväisiä kommentteja myös muilta. Pyytelen aika ajoin anteeksi huonoa englantiani ja jatkan aina vain, lapsenlapsetkin jo huomaavat virheitäni, mikä taas ilostuttaa minua suuresti:)
Nuorin heistä asuukin Espoossa, jossa muutaman viikon välein käväisen häntä ihastelemassa.
Ja sitten noista sinun kuvistasi!
Ovat kauniita ja laadukkaita, monipuolisia ja biologina ymmärrän luontofriikkiytesi hyvin!
Tämän päivän postin kuvat ripustaisin seinälle kaikki, kiitos vain!
Tällä hetkellä istun erän kansanopiston opiskelijahuoneessa odottelemassa eämäni ensimmäisen valokuvauskurssin alkamista, voi olla, että kurssin aikana huomaan itsekritiikkini kasvavan niin, etten julkaise enää mitään, kuten kävi eräälle tuttavalleni, saapas nähdä!
Keväistä päivää sinne, täällä pyryttää kunnolla ja tuulee melkoisesti!
Fantastic gorgeous series!
Wonderful skywatch phots, all of them.
Hard to choose, but I would say my favourite is the first one, with the trail of pink reflected on the snow. Not to say that the sun outlining the clouds are not stunning as well!!
Onpa sinulla taas kauniita taivaskuvia.
Beautiful skywatch photos! I love the shades of yellow in all of them.
Lovely skies images!
Beautiful collection of photos to celebrate the sky in its many different colourful moods.
Thankyou for sharing with sky watch friday and thank you for your kind comments on my blog.
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