23 Mar 2009

Ännekäs naapurusto ... Noisy neighbourhood

Vastoin kuin moni muu minä pidän variksista ... Unlike many others I like crows

Niillä vaikuttaa olevan huumorintajua ... They appear to have a sense of humour

Älykkäiksikin olen kuullut niitä haukuttavan ... I also have heard them being called intelligent

Kyllä mä näistäkin laumasieluista pidän ... I do also like these little flocking birds

Pieni harmaa varpunen ... A little grey sparrow

Kaikkea muuta kuin vain harmaa on tämä janonsa sammuttaja ... Everything but just grey is this one quenching his thirst

Jotain pientä komiikkaa on tässäkin kävelytyylissä ... There is something a bit comical also about this walking style

Entäs nämä harakat sitten ... What about these magpies

Aika tyylikkäitä - kunnes avaavat nokkansa ... Quite stylish - until they open their beak

Nämä naakat kuuluvat myös laumasieluihin ... These jackdaws also belong to the flocking birds

Enpä tiedä komiikasta mutta aikas nokinen naama kaverilla on ... I don't know about comedy but this fellow has quite a sooty face

Ryhti on kyllä erinomainen ... He carries himself well though

No sorsat nyt kuuluvat ihan suosikki aiheisiin ... Mallards are among my favourite subjects

Etenkin nämä tyttösorsat ... Especially these female ones

Osaavat oikein poseeratakin ... They know how to pose

Vaan ehkei tällä kävelyllä ihan mallimaailmaan ole asiaa ... Perhaps this walk does not quite promise for a great career on the catwalks though

Yksi hetkellisesti hiljainenkin naapuri löytyi. Ei selvästikkään halunnut tietää ... One momentarily silent neighbour was there also. Obviously just did not want to know


George said...

Great pictures and commentary! I also like the Mallards even if their walk is not stylish.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful. Its still very much winter there. Those birds are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Aivan mahtavan mainioita kuvia linnuista, mutta tuo viimeinen kuva tuosta "pukista" on kyllä ehdottomasti paras.


Etter å ha besøkt bloggen din en tid nå, føler jeg meg snart kjent i ditt nærområde! Og det er så flotte bygninger der du bor! Jeg liker gamle bygg - og også noe av det nye, men da må det være litt spesiell arkitektur. Det må være deilig å bo slik til, at man kan rusle rundt i alle disse flotte områdene. Hos meg går det mest i blokkhus, selvom det er litt utenfor Oslo sentrum.

Takk for god info. om dette med bildestørrelse. Om jeg skjønte noe? ;-))))))) Vel - kjente igjen endel av begrepene, men er nok litt amatør på dette her ja! Min mail er cissom@hotmail.com - om du skulle orke å sende meg en forklaring. Så får vi se hvor mye jeg makter å ta inn! Er veldig takknemlig for at du vil hjelpe meg i alle fall! Klem fra glad norska! :)


Glemte no; de fuglebildene dine blir bedre og bedre! Nydelige de endene - og den sortgrå som vi kaller Kaje har jeg alltid vært litt svak for! Sikkert fordi de ikke finnes lenger her i Osloområdene, men jeg husker dem fra barndommen. Og jeg ser dem hele tiden når jeg er i Sverige.

Carrizo said...

I see that You are "born nature photographer". Great shots.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I love your noisy neighbours they must be related. The sparrow sipping the water was so cute.

hpy said...

Jattefina fagelbilder. Krakor sags vara intelligenta, de och korparna blir ju nastan aldrig overkorda av bilar pa landsvagarna. De vet precis i vilket ogonblick de skall flyga bort och kan synbarligen rakna ut bilens hastighet ocksa.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tarolino: What a neat set of critters, I loved your bird shota.

Judy said...

When my daughter was working as a chambermaid at an upscale hotle in Banff, she said the magpies would take the packets of sugar off the carts, and drop them into the hot tub.
As for crows - they are the first birds to learn that green garbage bag equals dinner. They teach the gulls.
Love the music. I ususally have the sound turned off, so never realized you have music!!

storyteller said...

WONDERFUL post! I love all the photos and enjoyed the commentary too.
Hugs and blessings,