19 Feb 2009

Talven lintuja ... Birds in winter

Varis ... Hooded crow (the only kind we have in Finland)

Lihava harakka ... a fat Magpie

Keltasirkku ... Yellowhammer

Paljon jo sirkut ja muutkin pikkulinnut visertelevät kun päivätkin ovat pidenneet ja aurinko niin monena päivänä paistanut kirkkaalta taivaalta. Alkaa tuntua jo siltä kuin kevät ei niin kaukana olisikaan.

A lot of birdsong from these yellowhammers and other little birds already fill the air now that we've had quite a few lovely sunny days and the amount of the daylight lasts so much longer than just a few weeks earlier. It starts to feel like spring is not that far away.


Vicente B said...

Terve from Ibiza.

It´s just lovely to see the big difference of winter between the mediterranean and the north of Europe... it seem so cold... but so nice....
beautiful pictures all over your blog...


EG CameraGirl said...

The architecture is so appealing! I like it very much.