24 Jun 2010

Two steps back

I decided to return for a moment to the wonderful spring. Summer is of course the best season in many ways but spring ... that tantalizing time of promises of what's to come. The joy of the first little green shoots, of the firts vibrant bird song, of everything springing to life all around every single moment, of the rapidly increasing day light hours. Then suddenly - swish - it is all so tenderly green and lushious, perfect without the flaws appearing later on in the summer, insects are humming in the air, flowers are bursting into bloom all around. It surely is in that respect the very season to behold.

Therefore I'm publicising a collection of photos from the spring time in this post.

End of April. There is spring in the air but the sea ice has not yet broken.

As of yet the warmth from the sun is best enjoyed inside in a nice sunspot

Outdoors is still a bit chilly but in the sun and sheltered from wind the chill is not so apparent

Beginning of May. The ice has broken and snow melted away but as of yet the green things are dormant, but only for a few days

Yet splashes of colour are provided by these cute little fungii ...


and the first little spring flowers

On closer inspection the little 'mouse ears' on the tree branches are already there

Birds everywhere have a very busy time

Our 'city' fox is not so handsome when the thick winter coat starts to fall off

Within a week the picture is already quite different

The pond lily leaves have just surfaced but not yet aquired there summer green colour

Fish are playing in the shallows and seeking for places to lay their spawn ...

and gulls keep a close eye on the menu of fish

The farmers fields are plowed and ready to start bringing up a new crop

The days are long and light. The upper photo was taken half past three in the morning.

The wonderfully scented Lily of the Valley litter the woodland floor

The garden looks so delicious that one could eat it

Oh the joy of the glorious spring flowers

Like sunshine on the ground

God's own creation looks no worse

It is just as wonderful to view and fill the lungs with the freshness of it all




Everywhere it's bristling with life


Pretty little things come and join our garden habitat with us

Warm spring evenings invite to sit down by the water and enjoy the late sunsets

The dogs enjoy soaking up the sun during the warmest part of the day ...

after which it is nice to cool down by splashing about in the water

Then there's the time for some other activities. Each to their own.

Oh you tender spring time, you have gone for this year but I still remember the injection of vitality that you inserted in me


Ebie said...

Wow! The colors are reawakening! A wonderful welcome to spring. Love the vibrant green you have set on your new theme and blog. I missed your wonderful photos!

Welcome back, and your doggies are all grown! And I have adopted two kitties.

See you around, and your look good!

George said...

I enjoyed your Spring post and I agree that the promise of Spring is special each year.

Welcome back!

Judy said...

Welcome back!! I have missed your vision of the world! I think my favourite shot is Ljuba silhouetted against the sunset!!


Hei Eva! Så fint å se at du er tilbake, og så mange nydelige bilder å hvile øynene på! Håper du er tilbake sånn av og til med mer! Har savnet deg skjønner du!

Og takk for varmende ord da Asterix døde. Det var en tung tid for meg, det skjedde så brått at jeg nesten ikke fikk reagert. Etterpå trengte jeg pause i bloggingen, det ga meg ingen glede - og jeg trengte litt tid på å få glede i gå tur! Men nå våkner det litt igjen, har gått mine turer og luftet kameraet. Så litt etter litt er jeg nok tilbake også i bloggverdenen. Du vet jo hvordan det er.

Flotte hunder du har! Ønsker deg og dem en fin sommer fremover! Varm klem fra Oslo!